By joining the Society, you are joining a world-spanning group of library professionals and library advocates, dedicated to furthering the role of librarians, archivists, information professionals, and information educators through communication and collaboration. The LSW is about people, not buildings (although some of us think architecture is sexy). It’s about friendship, not organization. It’s about creating and fostering opportunities, not building barriers and divisions.

Joining is simple and absolutely free:

  1. Make yourself a free account at
  2. Head over to and click the “Subscribe” button.
  3. Introduce yourself! We promise you’ll get an enthusiastic welcome.
    1. Tell us your name if you’d like (some of us list our real names, and some of us don’t)
    2. Tell us how you’re affiliated with libraries (some of us share the names of the libraries we work in, some of us don’t, and some of us don’t work in libraries at all but have other interests in hanging out with us)
    3. Do you like cats or dogs? Cake or pie? These are the fault lines that divide us so we’ll want to know!

And that’s it! We’re so glad you’re interested in joining us!

You can also join our Discord chat room

  1. Use our invitation link to join our chat room:
  2. You may also want to download and install Discord for free